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In home pet care or boarding 

                                    What is best for your pets?

When it is necessary to leave your pet safely in the care of others, you have options. 

    Hints for boarding cats!

For a variety of reasons, more people are discovering the delight of living with cats. In urban areas, apartment dwellers find that cats offer companionship, without the need for frequent outdoor exercise periods. In rural areas, cats still fulfill their function as rodent catchers for many households. If you are a cat owner, you are undoubtedly very attached to your furry roommate. However, there will be times when you will have to make arrangements for your cat’s care when you are traveling on business, vacations, or when you host out-of-town guests who are allergic to cats. Therefore, you should examine some of the facts about cat care that will help you to make the best decision for both you & your cat.

               What options are available?

It is important to remember that cats do not usually travel well. They do not usually enjoy it, nor do they adapt well to travel. Many people who try to take their cats along with them on their vacation end up spending most of their vacation time searching for their escaped pets. Leaving your cat with friends is just as unsatisfactory. A cat must go through an adjustment period in a new environment, and this means that your cat will not look upon your friend’s house as “home” for quite awhile. Therefore, your cat may try to escape from the strange house at every opportunity or hide as a fear reaction. Most cat owners recognize that it is not fair to impose this kind of responsibility on their friends, nor is it a safe arrangement for their pets. Having a boarding facility care for your pets in your absence is, therefore, the best alternative. The best way to arrange for such care is to entrust your cat to a pet care facility, where the security arrangements are adequate to insure that your cat will not escape, and where the staff are trained in observing and handling the problems that might arise in your absence. But first & foremost pick someone who you truly feels has a love for animals & you feel understands the stress & anxiety that your pet will be undergoing for a period of time. i

How do you arrange for placing your cat in a boarding facility?

Stop by our boarding facility and visit with the owner. Get acquainted with the people who will be caring for your cat. Ask questions—take nothing for granted. Find out if toys or bedding are welcome. Find out about the diet the facility provides. (If there is a special diet that you would like your cat to adhere to, most boarding facilities will allow you to provide such food and will see to it that your cat is fed only what you request.) Discuss safety features. Boarding cats requires good security to prevent escapes. Discuss frankly any qualms you may have about boarding your cat. The boarding facility staff will appreciate your frankness and your interest.

The experienced staff members at our boarding facility are trained to recognize the warning signs of potential health problems, and will contact a veterinarian if they feel it is called for. Many times it is easier for the boarding facility staff to detect problems than it is for the owner of the cat. For example, urinary problems, a warning sign that deserves attention, can more easily be detected in the boarding facility than at home, since the cat is closely supervised.

It is not, however, part of the staff’s job to diagnose or to prescribe. If your cat requires veterinary aid while he or she is boarding, you should be aware that you are financially responsible for such aid. Discuss, before boarding, any medication or special care your cat might need. Most boarding facilities offer a certain amount of individual care (playing with, talking to, or petting) but you must be reasonable. Asking the facility owner to allow your cat privileges that might result in an escape is not fair to either the boarding facility or your cat.

Make certain that you understand the rate structure for all services and hours of operation. The fee for boarding includes, not only the care of your cat, but also the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your cat is safe and with someone you can trust.

Facts to consider

Keep in mind that cats react much differently in a strange environment than dogs do. Cats are instinctively solitary animals. They do not run in packs like dogs. Therefore, when confronted with strange surroundings, a cat’s normal response is to withdraw physically and mentally into a protected, solitary state. For this reason, cats enjoy the “protected” feeling they get from being caged while in the boarding facility.

While it is true that most dogs want to run around and get acquainted, your cat will probably want to sit in the corner of the cage and stare, until it feels comfortable in the new environment. Human contact does not normally accelerate this period of acclimatizing. It has to take place at the cat’s own speed. A common reaction of cat owners to the idea of caging is, “My cat loves to run around.” Perhaps this is true at home, but while in unfamiliar surroundings, the cage gives the best feeling of safety.

“But what about exercise?” Here again, the difference between a cat and a dog must be understood. Dogs need space in which to get their necessary exercise, whereas cats exercise isometrically. This means that if a cat has enough room to stretch, he or she can exercise every muscle in the body. When your cat is in strange surroundings, around strange cats and strange smells, your cat will undoubtedly much prefer “safety” to “space.”


Fortunately, within the last several years, there have been significant advances in immunization programs for cats. In past years, there were a number of contagious airborne viruses that caused serious respiratory problems in cats. These viruses could not be controlled by any means except complete isolation of all cats from each other. Now, however, thanks to advances made by the veterinary pharmaceutical companies, there are effective vaccines available to prevent such diseases. Most boarding facilities have strict policies regarding the immunization programs for these diseases. You should be aware of the boarding facility’s policy and discuss it with your veterinarian prior to boarding your cat. In fairness to the facility, you should also make sure that your cat is not exposed to any contagious cat diseases prior to boarding.

Stress is a factor

Any animal in strange surroundings suffers from stress. This means that the normal immune process is affected, as well as eating and digestive habits. Your PCSA member facility will do everything possible to minimize the effects of stress on your cat. For this reason, it is a good procedure for them to allow your cat to adjust to the boarding environment at his or her own rate. However, you can help to minimize the effects of stress by trying to make the boarding experience as pleasant as possible for your cat. Remember that the more often your cat boards, the more adjusted your cat will be to the boarding environment, and the easier the boarding process becomes for your cat.

Welcoming your cat home

After you pick up your cat from the boarding facility, let it "tell" you about its stay. Lavish attention on your cat so he or she knows it was missed. If your cat is an indoor/outdoor cat, be sure to keep him or her inside for a day or two before allowing it outside again. Just as your cat had to adjust to the boarding facility, so will your cat need to adjust to being home again. Allow your cat the time to find that 'at home' feeling again.

Professional concerned pet care givers make sure your pet has a vacation as great as yours!

Tips for boarding your dog

                            Boarding Your Dog

Today, more and more concerned pet owners are choosing to board their dogs at boarding kennels.  Their kennels often offer a variety of pet care services such as daycare, pet sitting, special exercise programs, cat boarding, grooming, retail sales, training, and pet shipping. What are the advantages of boarding your dog? The vast majority of dogs adapts well and enjoys their stay at the kennel. For some dogs—puppies which have not had their immunizations, extremely old dogs with chronic illnesses, very aggressive dogs, dogs that require medication more than twice  Keep in mind, however, that pet sitting in your home, does not offer the same level of supervision that boarding does. Furthermore, when you are not at home with your dog, his or her behavior might differ significantly from the normal behavior. For instance your dog might try to “escape” to find you, become destructive to your home, or become aggressive toward the pet sitter.

You should definitely consider boarding your dog rather than taking him or her on vacation with you. Many motels will not accept dogs, and those that do charge extra and become very upset if your dog annoys their other guests. Pets can become ill as a result of traveling because of the frequent changes in water. Many dogs suffer heat prostration while locked in the car when owners go sightseeing, eating or shopping. The national parks have an abundance of lost dogs that somehow got away from their owners and couldn’t be found before the family had to leave for home. Another serious risk is exposure to various parasites and diseases such as heartworm, ticks, hookworms, fleas, and mange.

Selecting a boarding facility: Stop by a boarding facility and visit with the owner. Get acquainted with the people who will be caring for your dog. Ask questions; take nothing for granted. Are toys or bedding welcome? How will your dog be exercised? What will the facility feed my dog? Talk about safety features. Discuss frankly any qualms you may have about boarding. They will appreciate your frankness and interest.

 Experienced staff members are trained to recognize the warning signs of potential health problems and will contact a veterinarian if they feel it is called for. Many times it is easier for the pet care provider to detect problems than it is for the owner of the dog. A good example is blood in the urine: A warning sign that deserves attention can more easily be detected in the boarding facility than at home because the dog is exercised in a specific area that is cleaned regularly. It is not, however, part of the pet care provider’s job to diagnose or to prescribe. If your dog does require veterinary care while being boarded, you should be aware that you—the pet’s owner—are financially responsible for such care. Discuss, before boarding, any medication or special care your dog might need. Many boarding facilities offer specialized play programs such as playschool and nature walks.

During boarding it is possible that dogs might step in their stools or urine and become dirty. This can happen in the cleanest of facilities. Also, some of the finest disinfectants available for sanitizing are not always the most pleasant smelling, and the odor may cling to your dog’s coat. Bathing or grooming may be a welcome solution. Make certain to advise the pet care provider if you want your dog to have a bath on the day he or she goes home. Make certain you understand the rate structure for all services and hours of operation. The fee for boarding includes the care of your pet, as well as the peace of mind that goes with knowing that he or she is safe and with someone you can trust.  A working partnership When you have selected your boarding facility, keep in mind that successful boarding is the result of the partnership between you and the manager, working together for the best interest of your dog. As a responsible pet owner there are a few things you must attend to before bringing your dog in to board. Make certain all immunizations are current. The manager will be happy to discuss the immunization requirements with you. Your pet should be free of internal and external parasites and not have been exposed to any contagious diseases. Do not feed your dog for at least four hours prior to boarding to minimize the possibility of stomach upset. Boarding is a great alternative, but separation from the family or being in strange surroundings can produce stress in your dog. And stress can result in lowered resistance to disease and sometimes even temporary changes in behavior. Be sure to inform the boarding facility of any special idiosyncrasies or medical problems your dog may have (history of epilepsy or fear of thunder, etc.) that may assist in keeping your dog healthy and happy.

Dogs should be prepared psychologically for boarding. It’s best, of course, to begin with a puppy as soon as the immunization program is complete. (Puppies usually learn very quickly to enjoy boarding.) Some boarding facilities offer daycare services enabling you to leave your dog for a few hours at a time. This is an excellent way to introduce your dog to boarding. After just a few visits your dog accepts a pet care facility as a normal way of life.

The psychological preparation of a dog for boarding—and also for helping to develop a healthy personality—includes getting your dog used to new people and experiences (socialization). This is probably most easily accomplished by taking him or her through obedience classes, spending a few days at a dog daycare, and occasionally boarding him or her. Naturally, a dog who is relaxed about boarding is more likely to board well. (A pet owner sometimes needs reminding that it is not beneficial to lament over the dog in the front office before leaving, nor should the suitcases come out the day before the trip—both of these things cause the dog to be unnecessarily upset.)

Understanding the kennel environment: It is important to understand the possible effects of stress on a dog and to do everything possible to minimize stress both prior to and immediately after boarding. Sometimes temporary behavior changes can occur as a result of unfamiliar surroundings. While boarding, your best friend tears up the bed that has been slept in for years. Or “Killer,” that rowdy scourge of the neighborhood, turns into a little lamb. Eating habits change under stress, and a dog assimilates food differently. Some will eat like canaries at home and like vultures at a boarding facility. They may put on a few pounds. Others can lose weight though eating well or lose weight by not eating enough. Life in a boarding facility can be very exciting, and some dogs lose weight because they run the weight off as they charge around barking at other dogs and having a wonderful time. These dogs often leave the facility exhausted but happy, and sleep a lot the first couple of days they are home. All of the preparation by the pet owner merely points out that successful boarding depends not only upon the pet care facility, but also upon how well the owner prepares the dog for the experience.

Now that your best friend is home again: When your dog is picked up, he or she will be very excited to see you. Do not feed your dog (though he or she will act hungry after getting back to familiar turf) for at least three hours, and then be very careful not to overfeed. Also, excitement might cause your dog to pant a lot and become thirsty. Give a few ice cubes to hold him or her over until feeding time. Again, in a happy, excited state, excessive food and water consumption can create problems.

The vast majority of dogs view their stay at the boarding facility as a vacation. Relax and enjoy your trip.


10814 W. State Rd 42 Stilesville, In 46180

3720 W. Delap Rd Ellettsville, In 47429


Servicing Bloomingt.on, Indianapolis and all the surrounding counties



Daniel (317) 681-2632

 Joe (812) 361-9816







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